Dian Fara Andrian
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Form Application Design
My Role : Ui Designer
Link Prototype : https://bit.ly/SecomPrototype
The company wants to show the users about how the future application will look like and how it's gonna work. The application is a form application to connect employee for each division.
to visualize how the application works for the users by making it into a prototype
User Flow
There are three main focus of this application. Requestor for Stationary, IT, and Business Trip. The Business Trip menu is on the last call so there was no flow given.
IT Form User Flow
Stationary User Flow
The Main Design Focus
The Main Design for this project are The form design page for the employee and the approval page for the approvers. The Employee Form consists of three main form, Stationary Form, IT Form, and Business Trip.
Landing Page
The Landing Page Design is made simple for the focus of the main purpose of the application, which is to fill a form as a requestor or to approve a request.
Requestor Menu
For the requestor menu, there are 3 form included. Form for a stationary, IT, and Business Trip. At right corner for each page, consist a tracker for the request. The status are colored in a different colors to determine each level.
Stationary Form
IT Form
Business Trip Form
Let’s Work Together
Hit me up so we can start working together.