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Private Online Tutoring Application Case Study

My Role and Team

  1. Dian Fara Andrian : Ui / Ux Researcher, Ui / Ux Designer

  2. Dwi Suryana : Ui / Ux Researcher, Ux Designer

  3. Galuh : Ui / Ux Researcher, Ui Designer

  4. Deshinta : Ui / Ux Researcher, Ux Designer


Project Background

The transformation of offline school into an online school has been a huge changing for students. The lack of interaction with the teacher makes it harder for the students to understand the theory. The access to additional learning or tutoring is also limited due to the pandemic situation, thus many students have been facing a hard time getting a good grade and understanding the theory. That’s why an online private tutoring application is needed. This application will help the students to have private tutoring online session easily without having to go outside the home because it will be held online.


Pintar is an online private tutoring application for junior to high school students. Pintar gives an exclusive and intensive learning for each student by offering a private class. The tutoring will be held online with only 3–5 students for each class. Pintar also provides the users a consultation with the tutor in a scheduled time.


Azwa is a high school student. She needs some help in understanding subjects in school. So, she joined an online tutoring with the other 8–10 students. She has to register and find the tutor herself for each subject and get connected only through WhatsApp messenger. She can’t focus and doesn’t have enough time do a discussion with the mentor due to the number of students in her class. She hopes that these online tutor can be centered in one application so she doesn’t have to manage the tutoring herself so it would be easier for her to find another tutor. She also hopes she can find a tutoring online that is more private.

Problem Statement

Anita is a high school student. She is still adapting with online-school method. She has been struggling to understand the science subjects such as physics and math. She’s used with the real-time tutoring where it’s available to do a real-time discussion either with her friends or with her teacher like in offline school. She once joined an online learning platform where all the theories are provided in a video. She’s not satisfied with that; she needs to do a consultation for her homework and a discussion before exam. Since pandemic, her sleep schedule has changed, so she sometimes stays up late and study at a random hour. She hopes to be able to do a consultation with her tutor outside the class session.


Pintar is an application made to help the students in learning. Pintar gives a place for tutors and students to connect with each other. Users will easily find an online tutor and its information in one application. Users will register the class that they want easily. Users will get connected to all the tutors just in one application. In Pintar, it provides user with flexible-hour consultation time so users will have the time to do consultation outside the class session. Pintar also provides users a time-table to help users to have a better time management.


Product Based

As most students nowadays have an access to mobile phone, the products is made as a mobile application.

Targeted Audience

Most students that need a bigger help in this online-learning is junior to high school students. The age will be from 13–18 years old.


Research Learning Spiral

Objectives — Hypotheses — Methods — Conduct — Synthesis



The application is meant to help the students in learning; thus, the target of this research is students in Junior — High school students (13–18 y.o).


The research is conducted to get these main points from the users:

  • What kind of feature they’re expecting from learning application?

  • How effective the 24-hour consultation will help them in understanding the subject?

  • Does restriction in the number of students in online-tutor affect the effectiveness of learning?



When is the range of time users use the application the most?


Where are the places users use the application the most?


Why do the users need the application? What’s the urgency of users using the application?


How the users access the application? Do they have their own phone/gadget or is it facilitated by their school?


  • Our team believe that most students need help in understanding the subjects in school especially in the pandemic time

  • Our team believe that live session class gives more impact for the users than asynchronous video lesson.

  • Our team believe the restriction in number of students in the learning session make the users focus better in class session.

  • Our team believe that tutor consultation feature is very useful and should be available for students at all time not only in the class session.


As this project is to make a new application thus the research will be conducted to understand the user’s needs. To gain in-depth understanding of the users’ need, the research was held in two method, qualitative and quantitative research. The quantitative research was done by doing an interview with the users and the quantitative research was done by doing a survey.

> Interview

he interview was conducted with 2 students. Both are in high school with an age of rage of 16–18 years old. The main pain points to know form the interview are:

  • How important do they think 24-hour consultation is for their tutoring?

  • Does the number of students join the class affect the tutoring situation?

> Survey

The survey was held with 3 students. The questions were asked:

  • The time they use their phone the most.

  • The duration of them using their phone.

  • Non-existing feature they wish for the learning application.

  • The necessity of private class in online tutoring.

  • The usefulness of 24-hour consultation.

User Persona
UX Persona.png
User Persona
  • Respondents’ ages are between 13–18 years old.

  • 66.7% of respondents use their phone from the morning with 1–4 hours duration.

  • 66.7% Respondents wish the learning application to give the users the power to choose their own tutor and subject.

  • 100% respondents agree that learning application help them in understanding the subject as an additional learning.

  • 66.7% respondents agree that class private will help them in learning.

  • 100% respondents agree that flexible time of consultation is needed.

  • Based on the research findings, some hypotheses are proven right and all the objectives are answered.

  • Based on the interview, all users feel online school is not enough and they’ve been having a hard to understand subject, especially for science subject. From this finding the hypotheses is proven right.

  • Our team believe that live session class gives more impact for the users than asynchronous video lesson.

  • Based on the survey, 66.7% user agree restriction in number of students help they study better.

  • Based on the survey, 66.7% user agree the flexible time of consultation is needed.

Affinity Mapping.PNG
Competitor Analysis

Application Competitors:

  1. Ruangguru

  2. Zenius

  3. Quipper

Features to be compared:

  1. Interface (Bad, Basic, Good)

  2. User Journey

  3. Consultation (exist)

  4. Live Session Class (exist)

  5. Private Class

Competitive Audit Goals

Compare the interface and the features. Do the other applications give a consultation feature, live session feature, and private class regularly?

Key Competitors

Quipper and Ruangguru would be the biggest competitors. Both application are very popular among students and provide a lot feature Pintar provides.

Competitors’ strenghts


  • Very popular

  • User friendly

  • Have a private class


  • Very popuar

  • User friendly

  • Have a consultation feature


Competitors’ Weakness


  • Have too much features and make the users confuse

  • A little pricey

  • Users have to pay for additional feature Pintar offers


  • Expensive price for live session class

  • Users have to pay for additional feature Pintar offers

Usability Testing


  • A second grade high-school student

Material and Tasks:

The usability testing is conducted to test the user journey in finding tutor, access the class, and do a consultation with the tutor. The tasks given are:

  1. The user is told to do a scenario when the user wants to register for a private tutoring class and try to find a tutor.

  2. The user is told to access the class the user has registered before

  3. The user is told to do a consultation with the tutor



  • The test use Figma mobile phone application prototype



  • The duration of the test was 5 minutes



  1. The user feels the tutor degree should be included

  2. The user suggests that before do a registration, user should be able to do a consultation with the tutor first


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